Rosarium Health

How to view, accept, and/or decline a job request you were invited to

Let’s walk through how to view, accept and/or decline a job request you were invited to:

  1. First, click on the photo drop down menu in the top right corner of the screen
  2. Click on "Your Jobs". You will see a list of Pending, Accepted, and Declined job requests. Invited Job Requests are job requests you haven’t formally accepted or declined. Accepted job requests are job requests you have accepted (and can view client contact information). Declined job requests are those that you have declined.

From the "Your Jobs" page view, you can

  1. Click "Accept” to accept the request. Afterwards you will be able to view the client's contact information
  2. Choose "Decline" to decline the request. You will not be able to view the client's contact information
  3. View Job. To view more information about the job request including pictures submitted and other job related information.